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Common Questions

What is a steel toe?

A steel toe is a steel cap that is built into the toe box of a work boot during its construction to provide protection for the toes and feet of the wearer. The steel toe is designed to meet specific ANSI/ASTM safety requirements for foot protection against both impact and compression.

What protection does a steel toe boot provide to the wearer?

Steel toe boots have a steel protective covering over the toe box that protects the wearer from injury from impact and compression by heavy objects. Steel toe work boots are required by many industries.

How is a safety shoe different than a regular shoe?

Safety shoes provide foot protection on various parameters like sharp objects, falling heavy objects, electrical hazards, slipping etc.

What is a composite toe?

A composite toe is essentially the same as a steel toe; it is a non-metallic and non-magnetic safety toe cap that is lighter in weight than a steel toe cap. The composite toe meets the same ANSI/ASTM safety requirements as a steel toe.

Do you have safety shoes designed especially for working with electricity?

Yes, VME has shoes for a variety of work situations in which the wearer should be protected from the various hazards involved in working with (static) electricity. Recommendation: Ask your employer which requirements your shoes must satisfy.

How do I determine the proper footwear for my needs?

The first thing you should do is determine what you will use the footwear for (work or recreation or both). Then you should decide what type of environment you will wear them in (indoor or outdoor, wet or dry, cold weather or warm temperatures). By examining these two considerations, you will have a good idea about what type of footwear you should purchase.

What are the benefits of footwear of different heights?

A 5-inch hiker will rise to roughly the wearer's ankle and allow for maximum flexibility at the ankle. A 6-inch footwear will rise to about the top of the ankle and provide some support for the joint, while an 8-inch footwear will rise above the ankle and give even more support, and a 9-inch footwear will rise to the bottom of the shin and provide even greater ankle support. A 10- or 12-inch Western-styled footwear will rise to mid-shin with some flexibility at the ankle.

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